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Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
FB Velocities
Team Venom 13 Cameron Williams R71
South County Mavericks 13u Lower Cade Calhoun R70
Team Venom 13 Colson Istre L69
Houston Royals Julian Rincon R69
Houston Legends Isaiah Reyes R68
Hp Baseball Dawson Pablo Cavaluzzi R67
Houston Legends Maximus Padilla R67
Texas Elite Lobos-McGowan Braylon Hobbie R66
Hp Baseball Dawson Joshua Hernandez R65
Texas Elite Lobos-McGowan Jackson Wilcox R65
Crew Baseball Teal Joshua Cooper R64
Houston Royals Henry Hogan L64
Houston Royals Hunter Sage R64
Houston Royals Henry Van Os R64
Team Venom 13 Hayden Britt R63
Texas Elite Lobos-McGowan Ben Garrett R63
Scorpions Team Easton (National) Brady Harris R63
Hp Baseball Dawson Daniel Walker R63
South County Mavericks 13u Lower John “Camp” Williamson R63
Marucci Elite Texas-Rodriguez Hayden Bogan R62
South County Mavericks 13u Lower Kole Deberardinis L62
Houston Legends Carlos Martinez R62
Marucci Elite Texas-Rodriguez Troy Pipes R62
Houston Royals Hudson Cozart R61
Texas Elite Lobos-McGowan Jonah Irvine R61
Houston Royals Austin Fuhrman R60
Team Venom 13 Lukas Hosler R60
Banditos Faltine Sean Marquez R60
Banditos Faltine Nicolas McCormack R60
Crew Baseball Teal Hamza Qureshi R60
Texas Elite Lobos-McGowan Kade Rodgers R60
Houston Legends Grayson Swann R60
Texas Elite Lobos-McGowan Ryan Borths R59
Houston Legends Tres Esquibel R59
Houston Legends Austin Greene L59
Hp Baseball Dawson Jase Pierson R59
Hp Baseball Dawson David “Kane” Tabb R59
Texas Elite Lobos-McGowan Slade Brown R58
Hp Baseball Dawson Nicholas Gonzalez R58
Banditos Faltine Kellen Carter R54
Crew Baseball Teal Matthew Harris R54
Crew Baseball Teal Heldner Roddy L54
Crew Baseball Teal John Rys R54
Scorpions Team Easton (National) Grayson Matlock R53
Banditos Faltine Brady Burrow L50
Crew Baseball Teal Trent Hodgson R50
Banditos Faltine Julian Sanchez R50
Scorpions Team Easton (National) Christopher Thompson R49