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Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
FB Velocities
Marucci Elite Texas-Segura Jack Byrd R75
God First Baseball 13u Aaa Cade Campbell R74
Houston Bengals-13u (Watson) Cameron Ford R72
Hp Baseball Chavez Chase Allen L71
Crew Baseball Teal John Rys R71
Texas Hitmen Isaac Garcia R70
Marucci Elite Texas-Segura Blake Edling L69
God First Baseball 13u Aaa Tristan Galvan R69
God First Baseball 13u Aaa Evan Otto R69
Houston Bengals-13u (Watson) Jacob Benavidez L68
C2 2027 Blue Kaleb Biddy R68
Banditos 13u Grosso Tripp Jones R68
Gsa Black Ops Brandon Marshall R68
Texas Hitmen Aidan Cisneros R67
Houston Heat 13u - Roberts Cash Fox L67
Texas Hitmen Charles Helton R67
Banditos 13u Grosso Jagger Stolarsky R67
Texas Hitmen Angel Medina R66
Marucci Elite Texas-Segura Leyton Rhee R66
Houston Foresters Blue Ethan Wolcott R66
Houston Royals Ethan Wolcott R66
Texas Hitmen Bryce Brody R65
South Texas Sliders 13u Katy Mason Gore R65
Hp Baseball Chavez John Joern R65
Houston Bengals-13u (Watson) Wilder Kilpatrick R65
HB Baseball Wilder Kilpatrick R65
Crew Baseball Teal Andrew Speer R65
Marucci Elite Texas-Segura Evan Vasquez R65
Crew Baseball Teal Will Winfrey R65
Five Tool Players--Orange John Bell R64
Houston Heat 13u - Roberts Daniel Cox R64
C2 2027 Blue Jacob Herman R64
Gsa Black Ops Dominic Maina R64
Texas Hitmen Anthany Medrano R64
Crew Baseball Teal Ayden Tudyk R64
God First Baseball 13u Aaa Cannon Boyd R63
God First Baseball 13u Aaa Noah Heninger R63
Houston Foresters Blue Cooper Murff R63
C2 2027 Blue Urijah Benavides R62
Houston Foresters Blue Westy Bennett R62
C2 2027 Blue Dylan Dresen R62
Gsa Black Ops Boek Duffy R62
Banditos 13u Grosso Louis Garcia R62
Houston Royals Louis Garcia R62
Houston Bengals-13u (Watson) Connor Owens R62
Gsa Black Ops Dominic Pizzitola R62
Hp Baseball Chavez Ty Woodward R62
Gsa Black Ops Talan Crawford R61
Hp Baseball Chavez Robert Croce R61
God First Baseball 13u Aaa Stratton Crow R61
Houston Foresters Blue Aidan Hinojosa L61
C2 2027 Blue Andrew Newsom R61
South Texas Sliders 13u Katy Ethan Russell R61
Houston Foresters Blue Itsuki Yoneda R61
Texas Hitmen Jacob Arredondo L60
Gsa Black Ops Cy Bromberg L60
South Texas Sliders 13u Katy Matt Eastland R60
South Texas Sliders 13u Katy Steven Gilmore R60
Crew Baseball Teal Matthew Harris R60
South Texas Sliders 13u Katy Ethan Henneke R60
Houston Colts Zackary Martin R60
Houston Foresters Blue Aiden Martinez L60
Houston Bengals-13u (Watson) Jayden Ochoa R60
Marucci Elite Texas-Segura Landon Reynolds R60
Five Tool Players Gavin Streater R60
Five Tool Players--Orange Gavin Streater R60
Hp Baseball Chavez Justin Vallejo R60
Houston Heat 13u - Roberts Derek McCarthy R59
God First Baseball 13u Aaa Cody Samples R59
Marucci Elite Texas-Segura Cannon Thompson R59
Houston Colts Trey Hallinan R58
Gsa Black Ops Jayden Hershberger R58
Marucci Elite Texas-Segura Rafe Junker R58
South Texas Sliders 13u Katy James Krezanosky R58
Houston Colts Gavin Berrospe R57
Houston Bengals-13u (Watson) Trevor Brown R57
Marucci Elite Texas-Segura Jacob Cockrum R57
Crew Baseball Teal Alex Fleming R57
Marucci Elite Texas-Segura Richmond So R57
Houston Foresters Blue Ryan Gutierrez L56
C2 2027 Blue Parker Chapman R55
Houston Colts Joseph Millner R55
Houston Bengals-13u (Watson) Lincoln Salmon R55
Houston Heat 13u - Roberts Beau Sherman R55
Houston Heat 13u - Roberts Ethan Simms R54
Houston Heat 13u - Roberts Damon Robbins R50
Houston Heat 13u - Roberts Brenner Wamhoff R50
Houston Colts Maximus Avalos R49