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16U 17U 18U
No Metal Spikes at USA Stadium Complex
No Metal Spikes on any field at USA Stadium Complex
No Sunflower Seeds

USA Stadium accepts Debit Cards/ Credit Cards and Cash at the Gate and Concession Stand.

Any offsite locations will be CASH ONLY!

At USA Stadium
Players are allowed to bring personal coolers with drinks and a cooling towel.
Teams are allowed to bring in team coolers with drinks and a cooler with cooling towels. 
All off-site locations are open to take coolers inside.

Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings 2 Event Articles
FB Velocities
Memphis Blues 17u Mitchell, Jr. Parimore L85
swing check dunn Truitt Webb R83
EBC 17u-Black Aidan McCrady R82
EBC 17-White Tyee Parker R80
Memphis Blues 17u Gavin Boyles R79
EBC 17-White Ethan Moss R79
EBC 17u-Black Kaden Pillstrom R79
swing check dunn Luke Riley R79
swing check dunn Bryce Simpson R79
Memphis Blues 17u Kase Washam R78
EBC 17u-Black Logan Dorrell R77
EBC 17u-Black Braden Gover L77
Memphis Blues 17u Sidney Hayes R77
EBC 17u-Black Cannon Johnson R77
EBC 17-White Ethan Sanders R77
EBC 17-White Benjamin Smith R77
EBC 17u-Black Bradley Stubbs R77
EBC 17-White Carson Allen R76
EBC 17u-Black Gavin Brewster R76
EBC 17-White Garrett Logan Churchill R76
EBC 17-White Tommy Drogemuller L75
swing check dunn Carter Hedges L74
EBC 17u-Black Hayden Spangenberg L74
swing check dunn Eli Powell L73
swing check dunn Klay Caldwell R70
Memphis Blues 17u Christian Cousar R68
EBC 17u-Black Jordan Kirshbaum R66