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7U (Major) (KP) 10U (Major) 12U (MAJOR) 13U (Major) (54/80) 14U (Major)
All payments need to be paid ASAP as the payment deadline is only the deadline if the tournament is not full. So if it fills before the deadline your team will be waitlisted IF NOT PAID. You are only fully in the tournament when payment is made. We cannot put any team on the schedule unless they are paid.
Game times

10/12u - 1 hour 40 minutes no new

13u - 1 hour 45 minutes no new'

14u - 2 hours no new

Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
FB Velocities
Total Baseball Vipers 2028 Jordan Ayala R84
Trosky Baseball 2028 Austin Sorenson R81
Cali National Baseball Academy Jax Janeski R80
Cali National Baseball Academy Brayden Krakowski R80
Total Baseball Vipers 2028 Ethan LeBreton R80
Mpc Nathaniel Maldonado R80
Wow Factor West Ryan Morales L80
Canes San Bernardino 2028 Nico Buscemi L79
Total Baseball Vipers 2028 Austin Maiden R79
Total Baseball Vipers 2028 Michael Martinez R79
Mvp Hustle Prieto Jayden Morales R79
Mvp Hustle Prieto Evan Putt R79
Wow Factor West Gabriel Carrasco R78
Trosky Baseball 2028 Nathan Godbold R78
Trosky Baseball 2028 Kylen Gravely L78
365 Shockers National Wyatt Richardson R78
Mvp Hustle Prieto Lucas Alfaro-Chuan R77
Gbg South Bay Navy Trevor Fortuna R77
365 Shockers National Tyler Kaufman R77
Total Baseball Vipers 2028 Aiden Mitteldorf R77
Cali National Baseball Academy Alan Montes R77
365 Shockers National Juan Sandoval R77
Total Baseball Vipers 2028 Jayden Singer R77
Cali National Baseball Academy Cesar Castro R76
Gbg South Bay Navy Connor Collins R76
Canes San Bernardino 2028 Christian Galvan R76
Gbg South Bay Navy Macin Garciaparra R76
Nines Baseball Academy Red 14U Robert Jurado R76
STORM Carlos Landeros R76
Canes San Bernardino 2028 Jonah Lauser R76
Wow Factor West Derek Mendez R76
RCB Elite Jameson Pierce R76
Cali National Baseball Academy Anthony Sanchez R76
Canes San Bernardino 2028 Brody Vizenor R76
Nines Baseball Academy Red 14U Brody Abbott R75
Bsbl Bengals 2028 Malcolm DeLeo R75
Gbg South Bay Navy Andrew Flores R75
Nines Baseball Academy Red 14U Sebastian Joseph R75
Gbg South Bay Navy Austin Junk R75
Canes Oc Dawson Martinez L75
Mpc Omar Martinez L75
Total Baseball Vipers 2028 David Ortega II R75
RCB Elite Cayden Sawyer R75
365 Shockers National Aaron Shin R75
Gbg South Bay Navy Grayson Thomas R75
Mvp Hustle Prieto Moses Alvarez R74
Mvp Hustle Prieto Leyton Denove L74
Wow Factor West Zachary Fiedler R74
Mpc Alfredo Garay Jr R74
Gbg South Bay Navy Nick Pangaro R74
Mvp Hustle Prieto Roman Spencer R74
Canes Oc Mason Cascardo R73
Bsbl Bengals 2028 Max Conchuratt R73
STORM Adrian Cueva R73
Canes San Bernardino 2028 Trevor Newman R73
Bsbl Bengals 2028 Hudson Panuzzo L73
Nines Baseball Academy Red 14U Carson Pollack L73
Socal Baseball Academy Adrian Rivera R73
Mvp Hustle Prieto Evan Velasco L73
Cali National Baseball Academy Sam Wagner R73
Canes San Bernardino 2028 Ethan Yankowsky R73
Canes Oc Brycen Yoon L73
Bsbl Bengals 2028 Sebastian Barba R72
STORM David Cruz R72
Bsbl Bengals 2028 Sebastian DeRosa R72
Canes Oc Dylan Lincicum R72
365 Shockers National Stone Nelson R72
Cali National Baseball Academy Logan Pena R72
Bsbl Bengals 2028 Xavier Silvas L72
Nines Baseball Academy Red 14U Cole Bargagliotti L71
RCB Elite Carter Canada R71
Socal Baseball Academy Caleb Estrada L71
Mvp Hustle Prieto Nikolas Galindo R71
Canes San Bernardino 2028 Noah Irwin R71
Gbg South Bay Navy Jackson Jun R71
Trosky Baseball 2028 Gavin Kelly R71
RCB Elite Dylan Mahoney R71
365 Shockers National Gabriel Barraza R70
Wow Factor West Matthew Galvin R70
Trosky Baseball 2028 Brayden Geruntino R70
Canes Oc Lucas Haun R70
Mpc Hudson Hempel L70
RCB Elite Damian Martinez R70
Mpc Yuuta Ngo R69
Canes San Bernardino 2028 Noah Sanchez Sibrian R69
Socal Baseball Academy Austin Vantrease R69
Mpc Seth Young L69
Nines Baseball Academy Red 14U Niko Adames R68
Socal Baseball Academy Braden Parry R68
Socal Baseball Academy Andrew Robleto R68
Wow Factor West John Navarro L67
RCB Elite Jonathan Ozuna R67
Trosky Baseball 2028 Oliver Vanderpool R67
RCB Elite Talon Ware R67
Wow Factor West Mark Alcala R66
Socal Baseball Academy Kingston Loya R66
Mvp Hustle Prieto Ryan Shabazian R66
STORM Adrian Soto R66
RCB Elite Angel Arroyo R65
Socal Baseball Academy Jordan Ramos L65
Bsbl Bengals 2028 Mateo Torres L65
Bsbl Bengals 2028 Brock Possemato R64
Canes Oc Owen Sacks L64
Canes Oc Rex Lee R63
Socal Baseball Academy Mason Martinez R63
Total Baseball Vipers 2028 Nathan Moran R63
Socal Baseball Academy Breckin De Wit R62
STORM Guadalupe Carrera R61
Socal Baseball Academy Xavier Gomez L60
Socal Baseball Academy Michael Rafferty L60
STORM Jayden Ramos R60
Canes Oc Garrett Lee R59
Socal Baseball Academy Lincoln Oldroyd R58