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2011 WWBA South Qualifier
Winner only will receive an automatic paid invitation to the 2011 WWBA World Championships in Jupiter, FL.

Schedule/Scores Event Info   Pool Standings 12 Event Articles
FB Velocities
Houston Banditos Black Jeremy Kivel R93
Texas Attack VICTOR ZUNIGA R91
Action Baseball Club 18U Green Michael Brewster R90
Texas Sun Devils Jacob Lemoine R90
Texas Sun Devils Josh Leone R90
Texas Sun Devils Troy Lewis R90
Frozen Ropes Texas Justin Bethard R89
Laredo Flames Chris Cano R89
Texas Sun Devils Kolby Copeland R89
Houston Banditos Black Jake Jarvis R89
Houston Banditos Black J.B. Martinez R89
Houston Banditos Black Griffin Russell L89
Action Baseball Club 18U Green Dakota Shadoan R89
Dallas Patriots - Valdez Christian Bartholomew R88
Columbia Angels Blake Goins R88
Action Baseball Club Blayten Magana R88
Houston Banditos North Johnathon Tripp R88
Action Baseball Club 17U White Joseph Camacho R87
Pro Source Athletics Abbott Jake Elliott R87
Action Baseball Club Ellis Foreman R87
Action Baseball Club 18U Green Jaycee Parker R87
Pro Source Athletics 18U Blake Rogers R87
Houston Banditos Black Joseph Zurawik R87
Action Baseball Club Brian Baker R86
Action Baseball Club 17U White Cre Finfrock R86
Frozen Ropes Texas Brandon Gilson L86
Action Baseball Club Frank Grandinette R86
Dallas Patriots - Brooks Holden Grounds R86
ABC DBacks Austin Hinkle R86
ABC DBacks Michael Mertz R86
Columbia Angels Trevor Rowlett R86
Texas Sun Devils Preston Warner R86
Houston Banditos North Vincent Aprea R85
ABC DBacks Troy Carter R85
Action Baseball Club Jordan Church R85
Houston Raiders White Aaron Fletcher L85
Diamond Dawgs Hunter Lehman R85
Texas Twins Baseball Rob Little R85
Dallas Titans James Marshall R85
Action Baseball Club 18U Green Matt Mcdowell R85
Action Baseball Club 17U White John Millan R85
Houston Raiders White Garrett Roberts R85
Grizzly Baseball Kyle Stephens R85
Austin Slam Senators Colton Turner R85
Brazos Valley Renegades Cody Vasquez L85
Frozen Ropes Texas Keenan Wingfield R85
Action Baseball Club 18U Green Cameron Wood R85
Austin Slam Senators Shane Crawford R84
Houston Banditos Black Blake Estep R84
Houston Raiders White Trey Gallegos R84
Dallas Patriots - Wilson Connor Garcia R84
Bayou City Gators Colin Harrison R84
Houston Banditos Black Brigham Hill R84
Fort Bend Texans Ryan Jozwiak R84
Killeen Rebels Hunter Mayo R84
Austin Slam Senators Nick Mead R84
Frozen Ropes Texas Andrew Miller R84
Houston Banditos Black Jeremy Montalbano R84
Fort Bend Texans Chad Ramsey R84
Brazos Valley Renegades Austin Ray L84
Dallas Patriots - Valdez Connor Reed L84
Brazos Valley Renegades Erik Stegent R84
Pro Source Athletics 18U Zach Wilson L84
Action Baseball Club Nate Brecklin L83
Texas Magic Jordan Connell R83
Frozen Ropes Texas Michael Fusselman R83
Hurricanes Baseball Lee May Gonzalez R83
Fort Bend Texans Ryan Hawkins R83
Dallas Patriots - Valdez Nick Hendrix L83
Texas Stix 18 Sean Hightower R83
Action Baseball Club 17U White Alek Lando R83
Houston Raiders White Josh Leonhardt R83
Action Baseball Club 17U White Blake McKillip L83
Texas Blue Jays 17U Eddie Orpeza R83
No-La Prospects Alex Phillips R83
Killeen Rebels Jarret Pickens R83
Bayou City Gators Devin Skapura R83
Action Baseball Club 17U White Matt Tobolka R83
Power Alley Prospects Jacob Valadez L83
G-T Dreams Osiel Villarreal R83
Texas Twins Baseball Zach Wilson R83
Dallas Patriots - Valdez Kyle Clausing L82
Dallas Titans Ty Damron L82
Laredo Flames Joel Garza R82
Dallas Patriots - Wilson Bradley Horn R82
Pro Source Athletics Abbott Matt Horton R82
Brazos Valley Renegades Marshall Laine L82
Columbia Angels Kyle Leggett R82
Diamond Dawgs Michael McCall R82
HC Reds Danny McIntyre R82
Hurricanes Baseball Joey Perales L82
Texas Blue Jays 17U Nate Perez R82
Fort Bend Texans Daniel Posway R82
G-T Dreams Israel Rodriguez L82
Dallas Patriots - Brooks Logan Smart R82
Texas Sun Devils Dane Steinhagen R82
Pro Source Athletics Abbott Kyle Vochoska R82
Texas Magic Andrew Walker R82
Dallas Patriots - Brooks Trent Armstrong R81
Hurricanes Baseball TJ Arredondo R81
Dallas Patriots - Brooks Ryan Boucher R81
Columbia Angels Clay Brast R81
G-T Dreams Edwin Cantu R81
Pro Source Athletics Abbott Kyle Cantu R81
Texas Twins Baseball Shelby Collier R81
Frozen Ropes Texas Michael Crawford R81
Laredo Flames Rodolfo Flores R81
Dallas Patriots - Brooks Nicholas Gillispie R81
Pro Source Athletics 18U Brock Hakalmazian R81
HC Reds David Hulls R81
Grizzly Baseball Zach Loomis R81
Grizzly Baseball Holden Lyons R81
Brazos Valley Renegades Ford Moore L81
Fort Bend Texans Cole Ragsdale R81
Power Alley Prospects Devon Rodgers R81
No-La Prospects Francisco Rodriques R81
Columbia Angels Sean Ryan R81
Laredo Flames Yoshio Saito R81
Dallas Patriots - Valdez Anthony Soriano R81
Action Baseball Club 17U White Cameron Williams R81
Action Baseball Club Conner Bertrand R80
G-T Dreams Ernesto Durantes R80
Austin Slam Senators Joseph Eckelkamp R80
Texas Magic Micah Edwards R80
Texas Attack Mauro Gauna R80
West Coast Aces Phillip Gay L80
Texas Magic Tres Gonzales R80
Bayou City Gators Ryan Liggett R80
Hurricanes Baseball Rick Lopez L80
Pro Source Athletics Abbott Chris McKeehan R80
Texas Twins Baseball Conner Parker R80
HC Reds Ryan Peters L80
Dallas Patriots - Wilson Charles (Chaz) Rasmussen L80
Diamond Dawgs Andrew Reece R80
G-T Dreams Ely Rojas R80
Pro Source Athletics Abbott Justin Russell R80
Pro Source Athletics 18U Chandler Allen R79
Texas Blue Jays 17U Nick Anderson R79
Dallas Patriots - Valdez Nolan Brown L79
Action Baseball Club 18U Green Jose Chapa R79
Columbia Angels Dylan Dusek L79
Frozen Ropes Texas Brandon Estrada R79
Columbia Angels Blake Glauben L79
Texas Magic Justin Jansen R79
Killeen Rebels Bernard Jr. Luna R79
Pro Source Athletics 18U Jesse Stephens R79
HC Reds Derek Stevens L79
Dallas Titans Walker Wharton L79
Killeen Rebels Austin Bishoff R78
Texas Attack Victor Coronado R78
Dallas Titans Correy Davis L78
Texas Sun Devils Max Dutto R78
Hurricanes Baseball Jeremiah Galindo L78
Houston Banditos North Hernan Garcia R78
Texas Blue Jays 17U Chase Hale R78
Houston Raiders White Christian Heard R78
No-La Prospects Alexander Montero R78
Pro Source Athletics 18U Ethan Noel R78
Grizzly Baseball Nate Parks L78
Texas Stix 18 Trevor Settles L78
Dallas Patriots - Wilson Tanner Sheets L78
Texas Stix 18 Ryan Smith R78
Texas Blue Jays 17U Marc Vazquez R78
Dallas Titans Hunter Whitlock R78
ABC DBacks Matthew Barnett R77
Dallas Patriots - Wilson Drew Feuerbacher R77
No-La Prospects Jacob Heirs R77
Diamond Dawgs Justin Penney R77
G-T Dreams Daniel Reyes R77
Hurricanes Baseball Jesse Tovar R77
Austin Slam Senators William Zweienr R77
Diamond Dawgs John Covelli R76
Grizzly Baseball Bryce Crouch R76
Killeen Rebels Jose Garcia R76
Austin Slam Senators Braedon Henry R76
ABC DBacks Sean Labaw R76
Power Alley Prospects Cole Ridgely R76
Power Alley Prospects Eliazar Salazar R76
Texas Twins Baseball Austin Williams R76
Power Alley Prospects Grant Anderson R75
Fort Bend Texans Jacob Burkholder L75
Dallas Patriots - Brooks Patrick Clark R75
Killeen Rebels Cameron Dodd R75
Texas Magic Kameron Jones R75
Hurricanes Baseball Fernie Martinez L75
West Coast Aces Robert Russell R75
Pro Source Athletics 18U Jerry Warren L75
Austin Slam Senators Jacob Benolken L74
Texas Attack Michael Dilan R74
Texas Attack Elias Escareno R74
Texas Attack Ruben Guevarra R74
Texas Stix 18 Sam Hearn L74
G-T Dreams Edgar Lopez R74
Fort Bend Texans Dylan McGee R74
ABC DBacks Matt Ribera L74
Texas Stix 18 Josh Wymer R74
Texas Stix 18 Michael Wymer R74
Diamond Dawgs Trevor Ragsdale L73
Pride Baseball 18U Robertson Billy Reeves R73
Hurricanes Baseball Brian Lee Barbosa R72
ABC DBacks Colton SPears R72
Austin Slam Senators Hunter Hendrix L71
Action Baseball Club Octavio Rodriguez L71
Pride Baseball 18U Robertson Zach Norwood R70