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Due to the weather we have received today and more to come later tonight, all games scheduled for Friday, June 14th, have been CANCELLED. We are currently working on an updated schedule for Saturday, June 15th to get all games in. Communication will be sent out when a revised schedule has been released. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Tournament Director- Rich Lipscomb- rlipscomb@perfectgame.org

Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
FB Velocities
Scorpions New England William Haggerty R88
GBG Northeast Anthony Baroncelli R86
Canes Tri-State Andres Polanco R86
Boston Prime 15U Navy Ben Samuels R86
Nokona Chiefs Max Boehm R85
15u Nor'Easters Runbird National Jack Daggett L85
Boston Prime 15U Navy Thurston Kiefer R85
NHP 15u Alexander Turant R85
Gbg Northeast Ryan Amaral R84
Canes Tri-State Nicholas Defelice R84
Giants Futures 15U Showcase Team Jameson Gray L84
Clubhouse 2027 Bruce Schlegelmilch R84
Seacoast Pirates Showcase Ethan Battles R83
NEB Pirates Dylan Conley R83
Taconic Rangers Lucas Freedman L83
Boston Prime 15U Navy Luke Leger L83
Nokona Braves Jimmy McNulty R83
Nokona Chiefs Ethan Ocwieja R83
B1 Ghost (Okon) Jake Ostertag R83
Mvp New England 2027'S 3n2 Gavin Rovinelli R83
Mvp New England 2027'S 3n2 Jacob Budarz R82
Mvp New England 2027'S 3n2 Dylan Chamberland R82
Expos Baseball 2027 Ben Dahlstedt R82
Bandits Baseball Club Noah Ferreira R82
15u Nor'Easters Runbird National Brayden French R82
Nokona Chiefs Liam Gregg R82
NEB Pirates Cole Henebry R82
NEB Pirates Mikah Krystofolski R82
Nokona Chiefs Max Mandler R82
Mass Hurricanes 15u Elite Miles Murray R82
Nokona Chiefs Jack O'Grady R82
NHP 15u Brendan Snyder R82
B1 Ghost (Famiglietti) Samuel Swedarsky R82
GBG Northeast Cole Blakley R81
Bay Sox American Aedan Borges R81
GBG Northeast Ryan Burns R81
Canes Tri-State Jonah Carbon L81
Scorpions New England David Cavalloro L81
B1 Ghost (Famiglietti) Noah Gross R81
Canes Tri-State Connor Janiak R81
Ct Grind 15u Cole Landgraf L81
Nokona Chiefs Will Lavelle R81
Bay Sox American Robert Leach R81
15u Nor'Easters Runbird National Trey Martin R81
NHP 15u Mason Matuszak R81
CT METS 15U Griffin McCarroll R81
East Coast Eagles White Collin Meserve R81
Canes Tri-State Dustin Pitti R81
Northeast Gators Select Dylan Poloski R81
Mass Hurricanes 15u Elite Trace Reed R81
Ct Grind 15u Cade Rinehart R81
Nokona Braves Aj Scholz R81
B1 Ghost (Famiglietti) Nicolas Schwabe R81
NEB Pirates Nolan Sullivan R81
NHP 15u Brent Baxter R80
Northeast Longhorns 15u Prospects Luca Digiulio R80
15u Nor'Easters Runbird National Zack Floyd R80
B1 Ghost (Famiglietti) ricalos guzman R80
Bandits Baseball Club Gavin Hayden R80
Northeast Lions 15u National Cameron Hohmann R80
Canes Tri-State Jonathan Mangeri L80
Mvp New England 2027'S 3n2 Harrison Mulready R80
Northeast Gators Select Colin Roache R80
Nokona Braves Michael Schreiber R80
Bay Sox American Kyle Sherman Jr R80
New England Ruffnecks 2027's Jackson Shusda R80
Show New England 15u Showcase Jack Smith R80
Show NE 15u Prospects Jack Smith R80
Clubhouse 2027 Philip Soltes L80
Expos Baseball 2027 Jason Sullo R80
East Coast Eagles White Aidan van Dyk R80
15u GBC Showcase Wyatt Chambers L79
Seacoast Pirates Showcase Nolan Engler R79
NEB Pirates Nicholas Fantasia L79
MVP New England 15u Ryan Fitting L79
Nokona Chiefs Patrick Gage L79
Clubhouse 2027 Brendan Gaska R79
NEB-NH 15 Max Herter R79
Mass Hurricanes 15u Elite Brayden Jones R79
Evo 15u Joseph Kett R79
Show New England 15u Showcase Brayden Krol L79
Northeast Gators Select Dean Madden R79
B1 Ghost (Fiorino) Jonathan Moya R79
Bay Sox American Karter Perreira R79
Expos Baseball 2027 Avery Powers L79
Show NE 15u Prospects Liam Pyne L79
NEB Pirates Walter Rogers R79
Giants Futures 15U Showcase Team Giovanni Scarpellini R79
Inferno Ian Sinclair R79
Evo 15u Edward Valley R79
CT METS 15U Stephen Vetro R79
East Coast Eagles White Caine Allen R78
NHP 15u John Bakker R78
15u GBC Showcase Nate Bowen R78
Seacoast Pirates HS Tyler Buchanan R78
New England Ruffnecks 2027's Sam Carbeau R78
Bandits Baseball Club Harrison Fisher R78
GBG Northeast Black Jared Hardiman R78
B1 Ghost (Okon) Toby Harris R78
MVP New England 15u Andrew Hatheway R78
East Coast Eagles White Tyler Haynes R78
GBG Northeast Will Jones R78
Ct Grind 15u Finnegan Knowlton L78
Seacoast Pirates HS Troy Konstantakos R78
Route 2 BlueSox 2027's Otto Kroeger R78
New England Ruffnecks 2027's Angus McKenna R78
Show New England 15u Showcase Jack Mercier L78
Seacoast Pirates Showcase Kenneth Money Iii R78
B1 Ghost (Okon) Ryan Moore R78
Scorpions New England Andres Morel L78
613 Kings Baseball Austin Ogilvie R78
B1 Ghost (Fiorino) Nick Paluzzi R78
GBG Northeast Jack Peabody R78
Northeast Gators Select Ryan Pierce L78
Seacoast Pirates Showcase Bryce Pinsonnault R78
GBG Northeast Michael Ryan R78
Route 2 BlueSox 2027's Michael Salmon R78
Expos Baseball 2027 Thomas Santoriello L78
East Coast Eagles Blue Jack Warren R78
B1 Ghost (Okon) Marek Williams R78
Seacoast Pirates HS Logan Abbott R77
Taconic Rangers Karl Blabac R77
Giants Futures 15U Showcase Team Izaiah Cabrera R77
MWS Devils Showcase (Wardwell) Nicholas Derosa R77
Clubhouse 2027 Jason Dewitt R77
Northeast Longhorns 15u Prospects Adam Dubowik R77
15u Nor'Easters Runbird National Storm Ellison R77
MWS Devils Showcase (Wardwell) Landon Fitzgibbon R77
15u Nor'Easters Runbird National Jonathan Flaig R77
MVP New England 15u Kyle Hecht R77
Boomer Baseball 15U Shawn Hines R77
East Coast Eagles Blue Aiden Kaplan R77
15u Nor'Easters Runbird Regional Jake Kowalski L77
Mvp New England 2027'S 3n2 Noah Krafft R77
Northeast Longhorns 15u Prospects Matt Lepage R77
CT METS 15U Ryder Livigne R77
Northeast Longhorns 15u Prospects Nathan Montville R77
Old Hickory Reds 15U-RED (MA) Travers Moodie R77
New England Ruffnecks 2027's Nick O'Neil L77
Show NE 15u Prospects Stephen Pinette R77
GBG Northeast Black Jake Ronci R77
GBG Northeast Black Tommy Rose R77
MWS Devils Showcase (Wardwell) Colby Ryan R77
Scorpions New England Gavin Smith R77
Ct Grind 15u Gabe Steiner R77
15u Nor'Easters Runbird National Austin Stern R77
Show NE 15u Prospects Irving Taveras R77
Inferno Kellen Tesini R77
15u GBC Showcase Alex Trudel R77
Taconic Rangers Daniel Twomey R77
613 Kings Baseball Zach Vachon R77
15u Nor'Easters Runbird Regional Evan Wilson R77
Canes Ct 15u Jadon Adams R76
Bandits Baseball Club Cooper Benfeito L76
East Coast Eagles White Ryan Bessell R76
Giants Futures 15U Showcase Team Nick Cappiello R76
Inferno Cayden Chow R76
Seacoast Pirates HS Rylan Crosby R76
Scorpions New England Nicholas DiLorenzo R76
Boston Prime 15U Navy Jaxon Fantuzzi R76
Inferno Kevin Fitzgerald L76
Evo 15u Kyle Frederick R76
GBG Northeast Black Declan Gallivan R76
MVP New England 15u Gavin Gentile R76
Old Hickory Reds 15U-RED (MA) Max Gomez R76
Boomer Baseball 15U Nathan Harrington R76
NEB-NH 15 Hugh Herter R76
Ct Grind 15u Mason Holcomb R76
Northeast Lions 15u National Sam Horwitz R76
Inferno Aaron Hughes R76
GBG Northeast Black Maxwell Kaplan R76
Clubhouse 2027 Jack Mariani R76
Clubhouse 2027 Cael Parker R76
NEB Pirates Matthew Pazak R76
NHP 15u Collin Philcrantz L76
Canes New England 15U Kyle Russo R76
GBG Northeast Darrian Sanders L76
Gbg Northeast Tristan Sheehan R76
Old Hickory Reds 15U-RED (MA) Emmett Vaughan R76
B1 Ghost (Okon) Brady Ayres L75
NorConn Attack 15U Logan Baril R75
Nokona Braves Drew Blanchette R75
Boomer Baseball 15U Joshua Boucher R75
Northeast Longhorns 15u Prospects Matt Bowen R75
Northeast Longhorns 15u Prospects Gabe Cafazzo R75
Boston Prime 15U Navy Will Cassidy R75
Evo 15u Scott Cronin L75
Northeast Lions 15u National Donovan D'Attanasio R75
Northeast Gators Select Ryan Doyle R75
15u GBC Showcase Ryan Folan R75
15u Nor'Easters Runbird Regional Charles Gallaudet R75
Seacoast Pirates Showcase Michael Gorman R75
GBG Northeast Black Aidan Hoyle R75
Nokona Braves Eidan Kulman-Tamanaha L75
Seacoast Pirates HS Bryce Lounsbury R75
15u Nor'Easters Runbird Prospects Ty Mathieu R75
Boston Prime 15U Navy Cole Pellegrino R75
15u Nor'Easters Runbird Prospects Aiden Pimentel R75
Show NE 15u Prospects Patrick Prideaux L75
Taconic Rangers Tino Riviello R75
Canes Tri-State Colton Romanoff L75
Canes Tri-State Maverick Satnick R75
Mass Hurricanes 15u Elite Mason Silverman R75
15u Nor'Easters Runbird Prospects Rocco Spinelli R75
Old Hickory Reds 15U-WHITE (MA) Brady Young R75
GBG Northeast Nicholas Broughton L74
Evo 15u Ryan Chagnon R74
Bandits Baseball Club Devin Curtis R74
Expos Baseball 2027 Robbie Daley R74
East Coast Eagles White Max Dimarino R74
613 Kings Baseball Joey Dipasquale R74
East Coast Eagles Blue Kevin Farmer R74
Giants Futures 15U Showcase Team Jack GIOVANELLO R74
Northeast Lions 15u National Harrison Kane L74
MVP New England 15u Luke Lagosh R74
Old Hickory Reds 15U-WHITE (MA) Kieran Lamont R74
NorConn Attack 15U John Mascaro R74
Taconic Rangers Joseph McGuire L74
MVP New England 15u David Peling R74
Old Hickory Reds 15U-WHITE (MA) Nick Penicaud R74
Show NE 15u Prospects Timothy Ronningen R74
15u Nor'Easters Runbird Prospects Sam Sardzinski R74
NHP 15u Brady Sirois R74
New England Ruffnecks 14u Trevor Smith R74
15u Nor'Easters Runbird National Cameron Swank R74
Canes New England 15U Henry Vanfaasen R74
Mvp New England 2027'S 3n2 Luis Viruega R74
Expos Baseball 2027 Nolan Aiello R73
CT METS 15U Alexander Alvarez R73
Bay Sox American Cole Arruda L73
NEB-NH 15 Jacob Boutin L73
Seacoast Pirates Showcase Andrew Connarn R73
Route 2 BlueSox 2027's Johnny Connolly R73
Canes Ct 15u Liam Cork R73
Expos Baseball 2027 Matthew Coughlin R73
15u GBC Showcase Michael Depiano R73
Seacoast Pirates HS Jack Eardley R73
Seacoast Pirates HS Brody Eckerman R73
New England Ruffnecks 2027's Matthew Howell L73
15u GBC Showcase Cole Lancaster R73
NorConn Attack 15U Joe Lewie L73
New England Ruffnecks 14u John Maclean R73
Route 2 BlueSox 2027's Stephen McCabe R73
NEB Pirates Noah Orloff R73
Show New England 15u Showcase Anthony Pappalardo R73
New England Ruffnecks 14u Fletcher Parkinson R73
Gbg Northeast Blake Pileski R73
Route 2 BlueSox 2027's Matthew Pizzi R73
Route 2 BlueSox 2027's William Sadowski L73
NEB-NH 15 James Saunders R73
NorConn Attack 15U Jake Teclaw R73
Mass Hurricanes 15u Elite Cole Viveiros R73
CT METS 15U Nicholas Westphal R73
MWS Devils Showcase (Wardwell) Will Wright R73
NEB-NH 15 Nolan Bernier L72
15u GBC Showcase Jacob Bryan R72
Bay Sox American Cooper Cambridge R72
Canes Ct 15u Jakub Cieslik R72
Gbg Northeast Max Coletti R72
MVP New England 15u Brendan Connolly L72
New England Ruffnecks 2027's Alistair Cooper R72
Seacoast Pirates Showcase Carl Gregoire L72
NorConn Attack 15U Lucas Johnson R72
Inferno Timothy Schribman L72
Old Hickory Reds 15U-WHITE (MA) Dylan Sweeney R72
Seacoast Pirates HS Sam Therrien L72
East Coast Eagles Blue Ryan Tullish R72
Seacoast Pirates Showcase Wesley Turnbull L72
Canes New England 15U Colin West R72
NorConn Attack 15U William Auer L71
East Coast Eagles Blue Ryan Barrett R71
Northeast Longhorns 15u Prospects Andrew Beauchemin R71
Old Hickory Reds 15U-RED (MA) Giacomo Berardinelli R71
New England Ruffnecks 14u Griff Ciongoli R71
Old Hickory Reds 15U-RED (MA) Brian Curtis R71
Mass Hurricanes 15u Elite Charlie Furtado R71
15u GBC Showcase Ethan Gaudet R71
MWS Devils Showcase (Wardwell) Jared Grunbaum R71
B1 Ghost (Famiglietti) Michael Helmeset L71
B1 Ghost (Fiorino) Matthew Judge R71
Old Hickory Reds 15U-BLACK (MA) Anthony Kiatos R71
Nokona Chiefs Jack McDonald R71
Mvp New England 2027'S 3n2 Jack McDougall L71
Show New England 15u Showcase Cullen Pasterick R71
CT METS 15U Christian Rouse R71
New England Ruffnecks 2027's Leo Sacerdote R71
Gbg Northeast Colin Wilson R71
B1 Ghost (Fiorino) Cole Zuckerman L71
B1 Ghost (Famiglietti) Andrew Cucuzza R70
B1 Ghost (Okon) Antonio Dedona R70
Boomer Baseball 15U Sean Dolan R70
15u Nor'Easters Runbird Regional Luke Duchemin R70
Nokona Braves Charlie Gagin R70
613 Kings Baseball Owen Graham L70
Old Hickory Reds 15U-BLACK (MA) Ronny Jordan III L70
Old Hickory Reds 15U-RED (MA) Ronny Jordan III L70
Show NE 15u Prospects Trey Marrone R70
East Coast Eagles White Patrick McLaughlin L70
New England Ruffnecks 2027's Kaden McNeice L70
Northeast Lions 15u National Zachary Mendes R70
15u Nor'Easters Runbird Regional Cameron Menga R70
Taconic Rangers Jackson Moreo L70
NorConn Attack 15U Ryan Organ R70
B1 Ghost (Fiorino) Russell Schwartz R70
Old Hickory Reds 15U-BLACK (MA) Chris Sprague R70
Old Hickory Reds 15U-BLACK (MA) John Stratakias R70
New England Ruffnecks 2027's Albin Valdez L70
Boomer Baseball 15U Chad Vigeant R70
Canes Ct 15u Cole Wittneben R70
NEB-NH 15 Conall Ciaschini R69
Scorpions New England Maddux Fredericks R69
New England Ruffnecks 14u Quinn Healey R69
15u Nor'Easters Runbird Prospects Aki Stamoulis R69
Old Hickory Reds 15U-BLACK (MA) Noah Titterington R69
MVP New England 15u Brendan Vargas L69
Mass Hurricanes 15u Elite Brody Alves R68
MVP New England 15u Caden Candelario R68
Boomer Baseball 15U Liam White R68
Mass Hurricanes 15u Elite Jayden Bautista R67
NEB-NH 15 Joesph Gustavson R67
Show NE 15u Prospects Cameron Iorio L67
15u Nor'Easters Runbird Prospects Richie Barnaby R66
Old Hickory Reds 15U-BLACK (MA) Evan Brothers R66
Canes Ct 15u Riley Burns R66
15u Nor'Easters Runbird Prospects Matthew Arrington R65
CT METS 15U Gavin DeFelice R65
Old Hickory Reds 15U-BLACK (MA) James Dennison R65
Canes New England 15U Lukas Deleidi R64